Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A chicken on every blog.

Have you noticed how HOT chickens are these days?! They are everywhere! We've talked about getting a few ourselves for the backyard. So how could I put off making a sock chicken prototype??

The sock I used wasn't very stretchy so I'm hoping I can make the next one a bit more chubbified.

I just love her so much and my chicken loving friends have given her an overwhelming thumbs up! 

Remember the little reversible egg/chicken toy that I made? I tried another one as a bunny and it is SOO cute! I'm definitely going to have to get a bunch of these made before Easter.

Don't forget about our October Sale.... 15% off your entire order and if you spend more than $80, you get free shippingHoliday Discount! Most of the prototyped toys are not listed on the custom order page so you might not see what you want. All you have to do is  Contact Me.

Fall is nearly here! I love fall, though we don't get a "real" fall here in the south. lol I had plans to attend a local craft fair but they fell through. I was making these little toys just to have something to sell and I was hoping to make a few big sales on custom toys. I plan on making a bunch more, all different colors and patterns.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Shop and save!

It's October first. There is a nip to the air (even here in Texas!) And it is time to start thinking about your holiday shopping. Holidays are quickly approaching. We have only 85 more days until Christmas!!

As promised I've set the website up with a coupon. For the fabulous month of October you will get 15% off every toy you order. And for those of you that have a big shopping list, there is also free shipping on all orders over $80!

Just use this link to get started :D  http://solematetoys.com/?code=holiday

Speaking of holidays... I stumbled upon a pretty cute idea for Easter. I was thinking of a chicken (hen) then thought of eggs and then of course of cute fat lil baby chicks when suddenly I wondered if I could do a reversible toy egg/chicken so kids could switch it back and forth depending on how they were playing. Here is the result...   My husband suggested doing an egg/bunny too. One of our facebook fans commented they these would be perfect Easter basket stuffers, and I think she is right. I'm going to to play around with the details a bit... maybe little feet for the chick.

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